Notes: You also can try reducing PDF file size with Adobe online tool.

In addition, you can click Audit space usage button in the upper right, and a report of the total number of bytes used for specific document elements like Images, Content Streams, Fonts and so on will be shown on the dialog box. In case you need to reduce your files size, no matter if its for sending it out via email or just to save some space, PDF Expert lets you optimize PDF. Click OK to choose storage location and then start the PDF compression process. Step 2: In the PDF Optimizer window, you can choose the options from the panels: Images, Fonts, Transparency, Discard Objects, Discard Use Data and Clean Up to reduce the size of PDF file. Step 1: Start the software Adobe Acrobat Reader DC -> Tools -> click Open button of Optimize PDF tool -> open the PDF file, and then click on Advanced Optimization as the picture below shown. Use our PDF compressor to make large files smaller and easier to share.

The picture shown below presents the file size comparison between the PDF files before and after compressing. The Adobe Acrobat Compress PDF online tool lets you compress PDF files right from your browser. Next, Adobe Acrobat Reader DC starts the process of reducing PDF file size. Then you would be asked to choose the location where you want to save the compressed PDF file in a pop up window. Keep the default setting of Acrobat Version Compatibility as Retain existing. Step 4: A dialog box named Reduce File Size pops up. Step 3: After opening the PDF file, click on Reduce File Size on the upper side of the file. Step 2: In the Open dialog box, navigate to the PDF file you want to compress, select it and then click on Open button. Click on Open button to choose a PDF file. Step 1: Open the software Adobe Acrobat DC, select Tools tab at the top left, and scroll down to find Optimize PDF tool.